[Tigers] RHD Tiger (Project) For Sale

Cullen McCann cmccann1972 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 10:08:10 MDT 2014

I had checked TBON recently while doing research for my euro spec tiger
"LROFE" and it says this:

"....The majority of us deal with LRXFE - an exported, left-hand drive,
roadster, with non-standard specifications and a Ford engine. A few might
have an HROFE a right-hand drive car, originally sold in England, which is
a roadster with standard  specifications and a Ford engine. Fewer still
might have an LROFE or an RROFE. And then we have the 73 South African
variants of WRO..... "

I read it to mean that if a "few" are HROFE which is home
market England...and "fewer still" are LROFE ( Left hand Europe, NOT
England Market) or RROFE ( Right hand Europe, not England) ...then that
seems to mean what Jim said, that the majority are in England, and the
balance of those in Europe would be in surrounding countries. (HRO and RRO
cars for the RHD configuration.)


On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Jim Sencindiver <jd.sencindiver at gmail.com>

> IIRC, someone said that of the 7,085 tigers produced, about 6,000 were sent
> to the U.S.  That would leave about 1,000 Tigers split between the UK and
> the rest of Europe.  I would think that they sold more Tigers in the UK
> than they did in the rest of Europe, so that would mean al least 500 RHD
> Tigers.
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Owain Lloyd <owain.lloyd at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > 50 rhd tigers?  Where does that estimate come from?  What about all the
> > tigers in the UK?
> >
> > Keep on Tigering!
> >
> > Jim Sencindiver
> B382100451/TAC 448
> http://www.tigersunited.com/car_show/sencindiver_j/default.asp
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