[Tigers] Tire choices for 13" LAT 70
Owain Lloyd
owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 13:17:18 MST 2014
There are plenty of good 13" 'tyres' available in the UK. Shipping is not
terribly expensive. Also many many competition tyres. Vast majority of
historic rally cars run on 13s, together with many small modern cars. They
are not going away any time soon.
The 175/75 13 winter tires I used on the alpine last week were
fantastically grippy and wore well. I think they cost well under $100 each.
On Mar 4, 2014 3:00 PM, "Thomas Witt" <atwittsend at verizon.net> wrote:
> I guess if the Ford Fiesta crowd can still get 12" tires (and they can)
> 13"-15" tires may always be available. What they cost and their quality
> may
> be another story. BTW, I looked at Coker and the options were very "old
> school" tires, not really the performance tires that are desired. It kind
> of
> make one wonder with the limited demand if a lot of the Coker tires are
> made
> to order. Otherwise the tires would seem to go out of date code if made in
> production runs.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: michael at michaelshortt.com
> To: Dave Munroe
> Cc: Thomas Witt ; tigers at autox.team.net
> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 11:08 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tire choices for 13" LAT 70
> 14 and 15 are history as well, Pantera land is sparse for equipping
> original
> Campy wheels,
> everybody interested in speed and safety went to 17" long ago and are
> concerned that those
> are also not long for this world.
> Michael Shortt
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Dave Munroe <dave at munroe.ca> wrote:
> Tom Witt wrote:
> " I wonder what the future holds for 14" and even 15" tires. Seems like
> even the low end econoboxes come with 16" tires anymore. Seems hard to
> believe
> that 60's era muscle cars often came with 14" tires. Maybe as designers
> need
> more space to cram batteries into cars smaller tires will make a comeback.
> Then again to handle the weight, maybe not".
> "
> Yesterday, Michelin announced from their Pictou County, Nova Scotia
> tire
> plant that they were laying off 500 workers (plant has been there for over
> 43
> years) due to the falling demand for "small" 14" to 16" tires.
> Looks like my 15" Minilites will be going the same way as the 13"
> originals.
> https://m.facebook.com/dialog/feed/?app_id=126045934076200&name=Michelin+
> to+cut+500+jobs+in+Nova+Scotia+-+The+Globe+and+Mail&link=http://www.theglobea
> ndmail.com/report-on-business/michelin-to-cut-500-jobs-at-nova-scotia-plant/a
> rticle17196186/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=Referrer%3a+Social+Network
> +%2f+Media&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+Links&picture=http://beta.images.t
> heglobeandmail.com/2b4/report-on-business/article17196185.ece/ALTERNATES/w140
> /michelin-web.jpg&description=The+company+said+its+decision+is+a+response+to+
> a+continuing+shift+toward+larger+tires+in+the+North+American+car+tire+market&
> redirect_uri=http://m.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/michelin-to-cut-
> 500-jobs-at-nova-scotia-plant/article17196186/?service=mobile&display=touch&_
> rdr
> Dave in Nova Scotia
> B382000450
> --
> Michael L. Shortt
> Savannah, Georgia
> www.michaelshortt.com
> michael at michaelshortt.com
> 912-232-9390
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