[Tigers] Tire pressure

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Sat Jun 28 09:28:12 MDT 2014

	First you should look for the max tire pressure on the tire side
wall.  My tires say 35 psi - I run them at 33 psi.
Some tires have 44 psi max.  I believe Tire Rack states that anything under
36 psi is under inflated.  I have also seen 51 psi max and I have no idea
what to set them at - I have not found any information about them.

Second consideration is ride quality.   More psi can = a harsher ride so you
adjust accordingly.

Remember any specs on Tiger tire pressures are probably for bias ply tires
and out dated.

Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: Tigers [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Jay Laifman
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2014 10:49 AM
To: tigers at autox.team.net Den
Subject: [Tigers] Tire pressure

I've been searching archives and the internet for something on tire
pressure. All I came up with was this cool repop of an old R&T article:

It says 31 all around.  My SV Owners Handbook says 24 all around, except
high speed, then 26 in the rears.

I can't seem to find a TIger Owners Handbook in my dad's stuff.  Was there
one?  I have to assume there was.

tigers at autox.team.net

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