[Tigers] Fuel shutoff

e.coiner at cox.net e.coiner at cox.net
Sun Jun 8 11:00:56 MDT 2014

Here is a good selection of valves. McMaster is happy to sell just one.


Happy hunting.

---- Stu Brennan <stubrennan at comcast.net> wrote: 
> My fuel pump project got delayed again by an article in the current TE/AE
> newsletter.   John Logan added a shutoff valve to his fuel line, under the
> trunk floor, which led me to decide I really should add a valve to my pump
> and filter relocation project.  John used a hardware store valve that seems
> to be surviving exposure to fuel, but I started a search for a valve
> intended for fuel applications.
> An internet search turned up numerous valves, but most of them seem to be
> intended for lawn maintenance equipment, or small motorcycles.  I'm
> concerned that any of these could prove to be a flow restriction for
> automotive flow rates.
> The ideal valve would be an all metal  "ball valve" type, a 1/4 turn to
> actuate, that when open provides little if any flow restriction.  I'm still
> using the stock 5/16 size pipe, and would want to connect to this as simply
> as possible.
> Can anyone recommend a source for this sort of valve?
> Stu Brennan 
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