[Tigers] throttle cable bracket spacer

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Fri Jun 6 05:37:11 MDT 2014

Now that the List is getting better after the Hacker attack, I'm re-sending
this message.

To All

Gene, Andy and I have been discussing this triangle shaped mount for the
throttle bracket to the engine on the intake manifold. The part is stamping
so it is a production part.

To me this looks like a good idea to help better align the throttle bracket
and cable to the carb. I'll have to make one and find out.


Part # 61 throttle bracket - LHD

The triangle part mounts under this with 2 bolts and there is a slot to
accommodate some adjustment.

Part # 16 mounting bracket - RHD

This part looks like it could have been the starting point for the part Gene


1 Anyone else have a triangular shaped spacer under their throttle cable

2 Anyone recognize this spacer from another application?

3 Anyone have a picture of the RHD bracket?

Thank for your help

Ron Fraser

You have not asked, but wanted to be sure you were aware that it attaches to
a triangle shaped plate that attaches to two holes in the intake manifold.
It is a pretty simple piece made out of 1/8 inch steel, with one of the
three holes countersunk, the other two just straight through. I made one for
my new motor using the original as a pattern. If you want more info, or a
tracing mailed, just let me know. Apologies if you already have that
covered, just trying to be as helpful as possible.


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