[Tigers] Original Tiger engine study

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Mon Feb 24 12:39:29 MST 2014

    I'm looking for some pictures about some of the Ford details in the
Tiger engine groups.

Engine Tag - the small aluminum tag mounted on the intake manifold.
Ford started this Tag in Jan 1964, therefore I would expect engine group
G13KA to have them but I only have record of the tag in the K22KA and beyond
engine groups.

Anyone have a Ford engine tag in the G13KA, L2KA or A27KA engine groups?

Valve cover sticker with Sunbeam LTD & Rootes LTD
These 2 stickers were apparently used throughout the Mk I Tiger build.

I would like to see pictures of the Rootes LTD sticker in all the engine

Ford Ink Stampings
Ford used ink stamps for part numbers and date codes on the ignition coil,
generator, alternator and starter.
Will Seay sent me a picture of the generator ink stamp; thank you Will.  I
would like to see others.

Anyone have a picture of these Ford ink stampings?

Ron Fraser

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