[Tigers] Mark 1a Door Latch Question

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 09:24:00 MST 2014


without parts book in-front of me i assume these are the GT interior door
bits that are chrome clips that are screwed behind the dovetails and go
over the GT door trim to retain it at the back.. there is a set on ebay now:


sorry.. auction ended today.. but the tabs are the bits you need right?

On 18 February 2014 02:59, Jim McLaughlin <jimmc13 at socket.net> wrote:

> Folks,
> Good morning!  I am putting together my 1966 and am stuck.  Rootes Part
> Numbers 2222976(r) and 2222977(l) are door escutcheons that are bolted to
> the dove tails on each door.  So here are my questions:
> *       How do I tell the difference between the 2 parts, they look the
> same?
> *       How do I install them, facing into the interior of the car or
> facing
> out.
> *       Does anybody have a set for sale? Reason, since typing the first
> question, I cannot find one of them, crap.  Usually more organized than
> this.
> *       Any pictures of an installed set you might be willing to e-mail?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Jim McLaughlin
> B382000175
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Michael King

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