[Tigers] Distributor Performance

lists lists at brits-n-pieces.com
Tue Aug 26 01:28:23 MDT 2014

You might consider a 123ignition system, which gives you the advantage of not having to adjust points and being able to implement 2 advance curves (centrifugal and vacuum 2 each) and 2 rev limiters via laptop/notebook and USB-cable. A co-driver can even adjust the curve while driving with a notebook on his knees and you can switch between the 2 (inside the dizzy) stored curves with a simple switch while driving.

Have a look here: http://www.brits-n-pieces.com/products/123tune-distributor.aspx

We are specialized on adapting 123ignition and 123tune distributors to nearly all engines.

Best regards

from	Robert D. Hogan [robertdhogan at gmail.com]	
to	tigers at autox.team.net	
date	2014/25/08 04:38:12pm	
ref	[Tigers] Distributor Performance	
Is there any performance advantage of a Ford dual point distributor over a
Pertronix electronically  triggered distributor.  There certainly can't be
a maintenance advantage to a dual point, so is a dual point's firing worth


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