[Tigers] Cowl screw

Alex Haugland ahauglan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 18:03:14 MDT 2014

Thanks for asking that!  I was trying to figure out if that screw was 
original to my car or not (and also what the heck it was for).  I've 
left it there when I stripped my car for repainting and, as it had been 
painted over previously, it's being painted over now while my car is in 
the process of going back to being the original Moonstone paint colour.  
If it shouldn't be painted, I'll probably remove it, blast it clean and 
replate it but until I hear otherwise, I'll probably leave mine painted.

Alex Haugland
Eugene, Oregon

On 8/19/2014 7:49 AM, awtiger at cox.net wrote:
> Hey, guys:
> I've been a Tiger owner now for coming up on thirty-five years and yet I can't believe I'm going to have to ask this question.  There is a pan head screw on top of the cowl on the driver's side right above the firewall.  I've never known what this was for, although I speculate that it was used on the Alpine as a ground point (maybe?).  The question is a two-parter...first, what exactly is the screw for and, second...is it supposed to be painted the body color or left natural?
> Thanks much,
> Andy Walker
> Edmond, OK
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