[Tigers] Alpine list

Tom Parker tkparker1941 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 17 16:15:12 MDT 2014


On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Mark J Bradakis <mark at bradakis.com> wrote:

> I know a few of you here are also subscribed to alpines at autox.team.net.
> That list is
> currently broken. Something odd happened, and the first 6 of the 67
> Team.Net lists,
> based on alphabetical order, are not working. It is a perplexing problem
> but I am
> trying to get it fixed.  No ETA at the moment.
> And on a side note, with Tigers being so valuable now I should probably
> raise the suggested
> annual donation for list upkeep. Oh, just checked and there isn't one down
> there by the donate link.
> For some of the other lists it was easy. The first Spitfire had an 1147cc
> engine, so there the
> suggested amount is $11.47. A popular MG Midget had a 1275, so $12.75. So
> for Tigers ...
> mjb, harried list admin.
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