[Tigers] Updated Website - New Reference Stuff Not Tiger Specific

Sandy sganz at pacbell.net
Mon Aug 11 16:24:51 MDT 2014

Not sure if this is useful to anyone, but I have been working on the 
website a bit and added a bunch of stuff for calculating and measuring 
the wheel bolt circle for various counts of lugs as well as a pocket 
ruler print out for those swap meet days when looking for rims.

This allows calculation of most any number of lugs by measuring adjacent 
lug distance.

This is just a pictorial version of how to do it with a ruler and 
without a calculator, does even number of lugs, and another page to do 
the measure for 5 bolt.

I also added a couple of download links for the You Print It version the 
bolt pattern guide that will download a PDF file for 1:1 printing if 
anyone needs that sort of stuff.

Errors report or feedback appreciated!



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