[Tigers] No Brake Lights

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Wed Sep 25 21:25:51 MDT 2013

	One basic problem with the pressure switch is the pressure needed to
activate it.  Light braking generally does not activate the switch or the
brake lights  I tried a low pressure switch once which worked with light
braking but it crapped out too.

	I installed an electrical switch on the pedal for quicker brake
light activation and for safety reasons.

Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: James Pickard [mailto:geowiz at hargray.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:47 PM
To: rfraser at bluefrog.com; 'Tiger List'
Subject: RE: [Tigers] No Brake Lights

Thanks, Ron. You nailed it. Connected the two wires, turned on the ignition,
and viola, brake lights. New part is on its way from SS.

Thanks to all the others who responded as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Fraser [mailto:rfraser at bluefrog.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 3:33 PM
To: 'James Pickard'; 'Tiger List'
Subject: RE: [Tigers] No Brake Lights

	There is a hydraulic pressure switch at the 5 way brake line
connector; front right under the hood.

Jumper the wires there and see if you have brake lights.

Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of James Pickard
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 3:21 PM
To: Tiger List
Subject: [Tigers] No Brake Lights

I have no brake lights. The rear tail lights and turn signals work, so bulbs
or ground are not the issue. I can't find anything electrical associated
with the brake pedal. What actually activates the brake lights? Thanks!

BTW, Tigger was accepted for the Hilton Head Concours, first weekend of

Jim Pickard


Beaufort, SC

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