[Tigers] 427 "Tiger" on ebay

phastphill at aol.com phastphill at aol.com
Sat Sep 21 07:56:43 MDT 2013

RK motors is owned buy Mike Walltrips partner inMW motor sports, maybe they
need to sell to pay fines...lol

---- Original Message ----
From: Jay Laifman <jay.laifman at gmail.com>
To: Jeffery Randall <jefferyrandall at gmail.com>
Cc: tigers <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Fri, Sep 20, 2013 2:20 am
Subject: Re: [Tigers] 427 "Tiger" on ebay

Wow.  Well, I won't deny that I'd like to drive it.  But, I note he says
enough traction, the 427 stroker might be able to reverse the rotation of the
earth "   I'm not sure the earth would be the first thing to be reversing
rotation with that engine in that wheelbase!    And as much as I do really
admire the work, and more so than other Algers that have gone too far in the
liberties of modifying the body, I really don't like the angle on the

I'm also terribly bothered by their inability to put the top down for their
fancy photo shoot.

Here is a link to their inventory of other cars:

On Sep 19, 2013, at 6:55 PM, Jeffery Randall wrote:

> It has an Alpine VIN#, but very impressive just the same
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Cullen McCann
<cmccann1972 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I think most of us have seen the car before. With the extreme nature of
>> car, I know its a controversial machine...but the photos of the car are
>> incredible. The workmanship is pretty impressive. I am going to say what
>> many of us have said before... I wouldn't cut up a good Tiger to do
>> this...but I am also not a purist and thats not a matter of convenience, I
>> choose not to be..... I MIGHT cut up a good Alpine to do this though.... I
>> have cut up good Alpines for goals much less impressive than this.
>> Love it or hate it, its an incredible machine and some really detailed
>> photos.
>> item number 121178512992
>> and link if it works:
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