[Tigers] Wiki

Taylor, Matthew MTaylor at ea.com
Sun Sep 15 17:50:41 MDT 2013

For the record, which is vague, Gordon became a nation record holder sometime
in 1965 (at the latest, this was August 1965) and held the record, with faster
and faster times until at least sometime in 1967.  Who knows, doubtful, but
his record may have held for a year or two after that.  Regardless, I'd say it
was closer to 3 years than 2.  The class he was in, in the AHRA, was XFA or
Foreign Sports.  As the AHRA and the media did not report much on the slower
classes, especially after 1966, I have not even been able to verify the time
that is published in the older Tiger publications, where that happened, or

If anyone has any info on the car, I'm still researching.


On Behalf Of Thomas Witt

  As an example: "and for two years [what two years?] it was the American Hot
Rod Association's national record holder over a quarter-mile drag strip [this
reads as if the Tiger was the fastest car - ever - in the quarter mile during
the undisclosed time period.  There should be a reference to the specific
class the car held the record in].

And, yes, Mr. Corbett does NOT sound like the type of chap that would sit down
for a spot of tea and muse about the accuracy of Tiger information.


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