[Tigers] Wiki

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 11:46:03 MDT 2013

Thanks.  I just preordered on amazon.  They say nov 18th release date.

On Friday, September 13, 2013, Thomas Witt wrote:

> John Morton has a new book about to be released. It contains quite a bit
>>>> of  material on the building of the Shelby prototype and early Tiger
>>>> racing.<<<
> "The Book of Morton???" :-)  Keep us posted.
> Tom
>  Dan is quite correct. We should police Wiki.
>> For the past year or so Graham Vickery and I have been quietly trying to
>> do this "behind the scenes".
>> Much incorrect information is in print and I intend to point that out to
>> Mr Robson next summer at SUNI. Hopefully I'll have support.
>> John Morton has a new book about to be released. It contains quite a bit
>> of material on the building of the Shelby prototype and early Tiger racing.
>> Once it's out (3 weeks?) we'll  have a new published source for footnotes
>> to support our "corrections".
>> Dan is correct in that we can use everyone's support getting the true
>> story posted.
>> Buck Trippel
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