[Tigers] Warning about Old Tires

michael@michaelshortt.com michaelsavga at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 05:06:53 MDT 2013

Having almost died in a horrible head on collision with a tanker semi
truck, I implore you and everyone else to check your date codes. If over 7
years old, regardless of mileage, get new tires.
Now the story.
I like to play with Motorhomes, I have owned 5, I use them for work meeting
space and portable bathroom, hospitality for football games and a place to
relax and change at the racetrack.
I rarely sleep in them, but love the option.
I had just bought one outside Ocala, FL and started towards home, 13 miles
later on a two lane road in the middle of nothing, my left front tire
deintegrates and I veer into the oncoming lane in the direct path of a
speeding orange juice semi tanker truck.
Adrenaline kicks in and I am able to  manhandle the steering wheel and get
it back over in time to only lose my mirror which was sheered off by the
It was about as close to dying as I have ever come. The new tire was under
$200, the mirror and associated repairs were nearly $400, being
The tires on the coach were 11 years old.

Michael Shortt
 On Sep 4, 2013 11:30 PM, "Stu Brennan" <stubrennan at comcast.net> wrote:

> Agreed.  I had two Famous Maker tires fail on my old Jetta.  They were old
> but looked OK and still had ample tread left.  They suffered some sort of
> internal separations resulting in them being not quite round anymore.  The
> wobble was quite dramatic.  No disasters, low speed, just a few miles from
> home.
> When the first failed, I said "that's odd".  When the second did the same
> thing, I immediately replaced the rest.
> A few years later I got a set of neat wheels for the Tiger, including the
> old Continentals mounted on them.  I contacted Conti, and they recommended
> replacing them, since the tires were well beyond the 6 or 7 years max they
> claim.
> We replaced two sets this year, one on the Tiger, and some 7 year old
> Goodies on my daughter's car, that were starting to show external cracks
> and one started losing a few pounds a month.
> Stu
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