[Tigers] Sunbeam Tiger Cost Question

Chris Thompson chris at cthompson.net
Sun Nov 24 16:47:33 MST 2013

Good advice overall.  Personally, I wouldn't pay too much attention to 
the big auctions - the prices only seem to be attained through the big 

But the other advice seems good.  Personally, I would rely on Hemmings 
the most, I think.  It seems a whole  lot of e-bay auctions are 
no-sales, as apparently nobody in the world is willing to pay what the 
owner thinks it's worth, and I've never seen (noticed) a bargain.  With 
Hemmings, at least you know what the owner wants for a starting price.

I'm a little bit out of date, as I bought my Tiger about 15 years ago.  
I started with Hemmings, but then found myself in San Francisco, and 
called Norm, the guru at the time (well, he's still a guru) and he 
referred me to a car in the area that I bought within an hour of seeing 
it.  When I bought my Jaguar E-Type, I did kinda the same thing, finding 
one of the gurus in that field who referred me to an absolute steal on a 
99 pt car.  Stay on this list and keep reminding us (occasionally) that 
you're looking and want to know if anything is available, plus you'll 
also see listers occasionally put their cars up for sale.  Join STOA and 
TE/AE and do the same.  A Tiger that is known by the community, and 
referred by the community, is likely to be a safer buy than one bought 

Rust is of course something to look out for.  A good buddy of mine 
bought a Tiger many years ago, and after he dipped it, he found there 
wasn't enough of it left to restore, and had to go buy another one. You 
don't say where you are, but you'll find the most rust-free cars are on 
the left coast and the south west.

If you're patient and make the right connections, I think you can 
probably find something around $20K for a decent driver.  As is typical, 
if you buy a car for $20K, and put $10K into it, you'll probably end up 
with a $25K car, and if you buy a car for $5,000 and put $50,000 into 
it, you'll likely end up with $25K car.  Spend as much as you can afford 
up front, unless you've really got a lot of time on your hands to do 
almost all of the work yourself, and you really love doing it.  All that 
said, in my opinion (and Hemmings, too) is that the Tiger is one of the 
most undervalued cars on the market. You probably won't make a killing 
on it as an investment, but it's highly unlikely to lose value for you 
(unless you spend too much on restoration).

Welcome, and good luck to you finding the right car for you!


On 11/24/2013 6:52 PM, AAAGLASSS at aol.com wrote:
> http://www.mecum.com/auctions/lot_detail.cfm?LOT_ID=AN1113-167986
> I saw this car before it went to auction; needed paint, top redone(missing
> back glass moldings), interior work, no spare cover, 70's glue on side
> moldings,  windshield scratched and all rubbers bad.  Had screws holding ID
> plate and  the motor was frozen. This went for $28,000.00. So that is what you
> are looking  at these days. Do a E-Bay Motors search for Sunbeam, highest
> price and get  e-mail for new listings. Check Hemming's and Craig list every
> week and you may  find a nice one. I found mine in Hemming's a few years back
> and spent  $18  for it. One owner and garaged for most of it's life 0 rust.
> All the mechanicals  are done, just needs some trim work and a new top. Good
> Luck
> In a message dated 11/24/2013 12:55:39 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> tncbrown at me.com writes:
> Hi  Everyone,
> I've been becoming interested in classic cars over the last  few years, and
> I
> recently came across the Sunbeam Tiger.  Needless to  say it was love at
> first
> sight for a number of reasons.  I am just  curious about how much it may
> cost
> to realize my dream someday.  In a  perfect world, I would find a driver
> that
> would work for a number of years,  with hopes of restoring it down the line.
> What is a reasonable expectation  to pay for a Sunbeam Tiger Mark 1A in
> drivable condition?  I know  there are different levels of restoration, but
> what do you think the range  for that may be?
> Thank you for your help! This is a great  resource!
> Tucker  Brown
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