[Tigers] Clear Hooters

Theo Smit tsmit at shaw.ca
Fri Nov 22 20:16:38 MST 2013

Hi Gene,
Page N27 in the workshop manual says 5 amps max. I seem to recall that I
didn't have to go that far to get good sound, maybe about 3.5A for each horn.
You need ear protection to do this adjustment!

I drilled out the rivets that hold the cap on the casting, and after fixing
things up I used some 8-32 or 10-24 screws and locknuts (I Think) to put them
back together.


> On Nov 22, 2013, at 7:27 PM, genepadgett at comcast.net wrote:
> Thanks Theo,
> I have always found your insights very valuable. As it so happens, I broke
one of the terminals off on one of my horns yesterday. Most likely a result of
metal fatigue from numerous tries at alligning the wires through my home made
block off plates. BTW, on my version of these plates I just made a
pass-through slot for longer brackets to attach to the original mountng holes.
> It appears the terminals are attached by aluminum rivets. I am going to
drill out all the rivets this weekend and take the horn apart and see if I can
attach a home made terminal with a new rivet. You mentioned you had adjusted
your horns to a current spec. I would be very interested in knowing what that
number should be, as long as I am taking this one apart.
> Thanks, Gene
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Theo Smit" <Theo.Smit at dynastream.com>
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 3:14:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Clear Hooters
> I'm in the 'no original Clear Hooters installation' camp, so I've resisted
> commenting up to now. I did at some point acquire some that had the original
> bracketry attached, so it was possible to try the horns on each side and see
> what made sense. If I installed them one way, the trumpets faced straight
> forward. That might seem to be a good way to get good sound, but then I
> realized that they'd also make great bug catchers that way. So I installed
> them the other way, where the trumpets are canted inward about 60 degrees.
> Then I installed horn-hole blockoff plates but I made up mounts that went
> the blockoff plates, that preserved the original angles - they just push the
> horns ahead by a couple of inches.
> I did find that it was necessary to take the horns apart, clean up the
> and then reassemble them and adjust the current to spec, to make them work
> reliably... and that I had to install a relay to actuate the horns because
> horn ring circuit on the steering wheel had way too much resistance to
> actually properly drive the horns. Now, they are good... I can look to see
> what I have on which side, but I can't vouch for originality.
> Theo
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