[Tigers] Rear Truck to Cabin Curtain Question

Larry Mayfield drmayf at mayfco.com
Thu Nov 21 15:39:51 MST 2013

Ok more clearly, on my MK1, this is the fabric curtain that is riveted 
to the coachwork just under the rear cowl? and then snaps into place 
along the bottom.  It purpose I guess is to  separate the trunk from the 
cabin area, I guess.  Replacement ones are available, but, has anyone 
made3 one from aluminum sheet?  And sealed it around its edges?  I ask 
because the notion of two fuel tanks in the rear fenders which under 
wreck or crash conditions could let a lot of fuel into the truck and 
cabin area.  Also keeps fumes from coming into the cabin area as well. 
Battery fluids maybe... it just seems like a better thing to do that 
some loosey goosey fabric thingy.

So, if anyone has done that, do you have a pattern?  Looks like a lot of 
trimming and fitting to get one close to working...

Comments? Thoughts? A pattern?


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