[Tigers] Clear Hooters

genepadgett at comcast.net genepadgett at comcast.net
Sun Nov 17 19:07:52 MST 2013

Thanks Ron, 

I guess I could make this a little bit of a survey. The horns, at least mine, have either a "H" or a "L" molded into the lip and is fairly easy to see through the grill opening. If anyone is inclined to have a look at theirs, I would be interested in hearing on which side the H horn is located. (I can figure out the rest :>) 

I had previously made horn hole blockoff plates but did a poor job of locating the holes for the wires. Also made longer brackets to put the horns fully in front of the plates. I am looking to redo the plates with better wire hole locations, and which side I mount the horns to be directed straight ahead affects the wire hole placement. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Fraser" <rfraser at bluefrog.com> 
To: genepadgett at comcast.net, tigers at autox.team.net 
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:33:36 PM 
Subject: RE: [Tigers] Clear Hooters 

The Parts List does not show a side for either horn. Not sure if 
there is a convention for the placement of the horns either. They could go 
on either side. I never took note of which position they were in; I just 
wanted them working. Hopefully others on the lists were more observant and 
can help you. 

Ron Fraser 

-----Original Message----- 
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] 
On Behalf Of genepadgett at comcast.net 
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 3:40 AM 
To: tigers at autox.team.net 
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Clear Hooters 

I am embarrassed to ask, but would someone please tell me which side of the 
car the H (High) unit is mounted, as they came from the factory? (Driver's 
side or passenger's side for a LHD car?). I am reinstalling them and of 
course neglected to mark them when I had them out. Might as well get it 
right as long as I am putting them back in. 



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