[Tigers] More Silly Refurb Questions ...

Stu Brennan stubrennan at comcast.net
Fri Nov 15 19:15:47 MST 2013

Agree on the Smiths voltmeter.  Except for the name, you would think it 
belongs.  IIRC, I had to paint the pointer orange to match...  Or maybe it 
was the ammeter I painted orange.  I have both, the ammeter in the usual 
place, and the voltmeter in place of the clock.  Why, yes, I am an EE.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Jay Laifman
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 7:12 PM
To: drmayf
Cc: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] More Silly Refurb Questions ...

Smiths offers/offered a generally similar one.

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Larry Mayfield <drmayf at mayfco.com> wrote:

> Ok, so now the pad is glued on.  Today I removed the dash panel becaus eit
> is 49 years old and looks it. Back side is flaking off badly. Front side 
> is
> cracked and chipping badly. SO I am going to order a new one. I, just for
> chuckles,  surfed ebay and found 11 of them. I looked at each and every 
> one
> of them and no tone was for a MK 1.  So I have to find the right one
> somewhere. I know all the usual spots to look.    But in that process, I
> need to replace the gage to dash small teeny orings that go between teh
> bezel of the gage and the glass for the tach, speedo, fuel, oil and water
> gages. If one among you has the right dash numbers and part numbers I will
> get those ordered from McMaster Carr or one who supports LBCs  this week
> end.  Any ideas?   Also, I had long long ago, installed an ammeter and I
> nver liked that Idea becaus ethe juice to-ing and froing the
> batter/generator was going though that sire. A short could have been bad
> indeed. So I have removed that but now want to install a simple volt 
> meter.
>  Is there a donor car somewhere that I might select one from and buy?
> Triumphs? MG? Jag, Something that looks kinda like it belongs... Or even
> suggest sources I might look at on the web...
> I'd appreciate it...
> larry
> --
> ______________________________
> drmayf
> Worlds Fastest Sunbeam, period.
> 204.913 mph flying mile
> 210.779 mph exit speed
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