[Tigers] A few random questions

Jeff Feit jeff at feitmail.com
Tue May 28 15:18:38 MDT 2013

Thanks for all the quick responses! A bit more info, and response to some of
your questions.

The history of this car is a little better known than it sounded from my first
post. The car was originally bought for my father-in-law in July of 1970, from
the original owner with complete records including the original sales invoice.
He drove it until 1973 when my wife was born; at that point the car went into
storage and Ibm not really sure how much it was driven. In 1984 he pulled it
out of storage with the intention to get it up and running and sell, in order
to fund the airplane he was building in his garage. When his father (my
wifebs grandfather, also an antique car collector) found out he was going to
sell it, he offered to buy it. It stayed with them and went to a few car
shows, and sometime in the early 90bs it broke down and was towed home and
sat there. My wifebs grandfather died around 1995. In 1997, my wife
(fiancC)e at the time) and I decided to see if we could get it going again. I
rebuilt the carb, replaced all the ignition parts, replaced all the rubber
brake lines, and rebuilt the calipers and brake cylinders and we were off and
running. We were then given the car as a wedding gift in 1998. We moved to
Michigan in 1998 and lived there until 2010, and the car was driven regularly
during that time. In the last few years after moving back to PA the leaks had
gotten progressively worse to the point that it wasnbt really drivable so I
bit the bullet and started on this project. My father-in-law is recently
retired and lives nearby, so he is familiar with the car and has a (foggy)
memory of much of its historybso there isnbt any question that it is the
original engine and trans, etc.

The manifolds are definitely 7/16-14, we already cleaned up all the holes. The
reason I was questioning the bolts is that the hole wasnbt through, which
would make it possible to bottom the bolt before the pipe was tight. I was
just going to go with whatever was originally there. Sounds like Ronbs info
says it was a bolt. Mine has a donut gasket.

As we have driven it quite a bit, I know that it does have cooling problems
but only when driven slowly/idled in hot weather. Usually itbs hot but OK as
long as itbs running, but boils over after it is stopped. The radiator looks
amazingly clean. The antifreeze that has been in it since 1997 came out
looking bright green, and when I flushed it with a hose it came out relatively
clear. I think it must have been redone at some point as the paint is in very
good shape. I think the gas tanks have been done too. Very likely while my
wifebs grandfather was taking care of it.

I could use wire ties as a backup for the steering rack, and there are also
universal clamps out there. I was just wondering if the brightb ones were
available. Unlike a power rack, the boots actually hold the oil in (not just
keep dust out) so itbs more of a mission critical item. The service manual
actually has a detailed section about servicing the rack, so I will probably
check the clearances and put new oil it.


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