[Tigers] Unusual Vapor Lock

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Fri May 17 10:10:48 MDT 2013

Usually  the only time I get vapor lock is on a really hot
> day when I stop the  engine, and try to restart just a couple minutes 
> and it clears  itself in a few seconds.   Never while running.
>From my experience it would be pretty unusual to get vapor lock  with the 
engine running. My guess that your problem restarting on a hot day  might not 
be vapor lock, but gas boiling over in the engine. This is easily  solved 
with a carb heat spacer available from Summit.
As others have mentioned, your problem probably isn't vapor lock  but 
something to do with lack of fuel. Normally the stock fuel pump either works  or 
doesn't and waiting a few minutes to restart wouldn't help the fuel pump. 
The one thing that can cause a car to stop and then be able to  restart a 
few minutes later is foreign matter floating in the gas  tanks. .....crud 
floats over the intake pickup, car shuts down.  Crud  floats away and allows a 
restart.  If your tanks have never been cleaned  and coated it's at least 
time to consider this.  If it's not the problem  this time, it will be later 
if you keep the car.
Mark L

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