[Tigers] Unusual Vapor Lock

Stu Brennan stubrennan at comcast.net
Thu May 16 18:52:07 MDT 2013

I was headed up to the Bass cruise night at Gillette tonight.  Temperature 
just under 80F, breezy, nice weather.  I was waiting a light for less than a 
minute and suddenly I heard the fuel pump, a Facet in the stock location, 
vapor lock.  Not a first, but Ibve never heard it do that in such benign 
conditions.  It did it again as I crept around trying to work my way into a 
parking space.  Usually the only time I get vapor lock is on a really hot 
day when I stop the engine, and try to restart just a couple minutes later, 
and it clears itself in a few seconds.   Never while running.

This was just the third time Ibve driven it this year, so Ibm still using 
last yearbs gas, the last purchase probably in November.  And yes, I did add 
a stabilizer last fall.
My question:  Does relatively old gas like this tend to have more of a 
vaporization problem?   Has anyone else experienced anything like this?


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