[Tigers] UNF screws on Sunbeam

Smit, Theo Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Mon Mar 25 12:46:56 MDT 2013

8-UNF is supposed to be 36 TPI according to the charts. The major diameter is
0.164" and minor is 0.1339. That's in a range where you could probably use M4
x 0.7 screws and they'd thread right in. 36 thread per inch is a pitch (in
metric) of 0.7055mm .


> -----Original Message-----
> From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-
> bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Rollright at aol.com
> Sent: March 25, 2013 12:29 PM
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Tigers] UNF screws on Sunbeam
> Hello,
> The state of Massachusetts is forcing everyone off single licence
> plates onto twins. Arrgh
> Pardon my ignorance on the subject, but in restoring the front  stock
> licence plate bracket, I found (and looked up in the parts  manual),
> (4) #8 UNF
> 5/8' machine screws, countersunk.
> I went to the hardware store and found the #8s they had 'jammed' on the
> nuts that came on the bracket.
> So I looked in the parts manual again and found "#8 UNF 5/8".
> At home, I had my trusty Eastwood screw-checker and both originals and
> new were #8. New were 32 thread but the ones old wouldn't fit the 32,
> 36  or 40 thread check spots though the 40 seemed most happy.
> What the heck is going on?  And no, they certainly aren't 2BA  screws.
> BTW; the Rootes part number is 39112101. "Body mountings" section; late
> version of the licence plate bracket.
> In closing, again, pardon my ignorance but I thought I know something
> about small hardware. Apparently not.
> Help.
> Jim  Armstrong
> Mk 1A
> 382002083
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