[Tigers] Clutch fork.... Still....
David or Gary
wwwdg at webtv.net
Sun Mar 17 15:38:49 MDT 2013
I went through all my parts and unfortunately I don't have a MK1 Tiger
clutch arm/fork Ford number C3AZ-7515-A. I do have a couple of later
arms which may help people locate a suitable length arm. I also checked
on what clutch arms are shown in the Ford Factory Master Parts books.
Here is what the Ford parts book shows: C3AZ-7515-A 10" (same as Rootes
MK1 Tiger), C5OZ-7515-A (MKII Tiger 289) this number is NOT in the Ford
Parts book (mis-print by Rootes?), for the 1965 289 (6 bolt
bellhousing) Ford shows C5OZ-7515-B 9 1/4" up to date 2/15/68,
then for 2/15/68 up they show C8OZ-7515-B 10 1/2". I have examples of
the C5OZ-7515-B and C8OZ-7515-B (pictures below) They are almost
identical except for how they mount on the pivot inside the bellhousing
and the tip. The (C5) 1965 (6 bolt) mounts inside the bellhousing with
the same round wire clip as the MK1 Tiger, the (C8) 1968 mounts with a
flat spring clip.
Now the actual measurements of these clutch fork arms don't match what
Ford has listed in their parts book, I don't know how Ford measured
them, overall length, from the fork end to the pivot, or? The C5OZ-B
is shown as 9 1/4", the only actual measurement which matches is from
the tip of the fork to the center of the round clutch rod dimple, but
the C8OZ is shown as 10 1/2" and this arm is almost the same as the
C5OZ, the whole arm on the C8OZ is 10 3/4".
Here is what Ford shows, and my measured actual lengths:
C3AZ-7515-A (MK1 Tiger) - Ford 10", actual overall, or tip of the fork
to the center of the round clutch rod dimple?
C5OZ-7515-A (MKII) not in Ford book, Tiger owners report 9 1/4"
(measured where?).
C5OZ-7515-B - Ford 9 1/4", actual 9 1/4" tip of the fork to the center
of the round clutch rod dimple, and 10 1/2" overall.
C8OZ-7515-B - Ford 10 1/2", actual 9 1/4" tip of the fork to the center
of the round clutch rod dimple, and 10 3/4" overall.
I think the measurement should be from the tip of the fork to the center
of the round clutch rod dimple, but the Ford C5OZ-7515-B and C8OZ-7515-B
measurements don't match (Ford mistake?).
So, is the (MKI) C3AZ-7515-A Ford 10" actually 9 1/4" or 10 1/2" or
?, and close enough to the 6 bolt non-Tiger C5OZ-7515-B 9 1/4".
Since the Ford parts book measurements don't match all actual
measurements, I think the Ford 6 bolt 9 1/4" arm C5OZ-7515-B should also
work on the MKI.
Also is the Tiger Parts book 6 bolt MKII arm C5OZ-7515-A a misprint, and
is it actually a C5OZ-7515-B? or is it something special?
Boy is this confusing :)
For John all the arm measurements. L= 10 1/2, IN= 1 11/16, CC= 2 3/8,
SE= 4 1/16, SD= 5 1/8, SP=?
David Franchi
Rear view 68 at top 65 bottom.
Front view 68 at top 65 bottom.
65 arm on top of the 68
65 on top of the 68 close-up of the tip
Side View
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