[Tigers] Aluminum Radiator

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Wed Mar 6 14:23:10 MST 2013

Fluidyne hasen't made the radiator for the Tiger in a number of years. I got
lucky can got one from someone NIB off of EPay for mid $300's and was glad to
get it. It's a very thick radiator, and the one that I have is a 2 pass
radiator. I do not have it in the car now but it will go in with the new motor
some day. I have the Griffin in the car now and it's a nice radiator better
stock, but looks to have much less cooling capacity then the Fluidyne
and much 
less substantial in the manufacturing area. The Griffin fit without
much trouble 
and seems to work fine with the stock 260 that's in the car. I
did not run a 
shroud on the Griffin, but I think it would fit without much
trouble but I think 
it would be needed if I really drove the car more. I was
just too lazy to put it 

I don't know how the shroud fits on the fluidyne
but I would imagine it might 
take more work to make it fit given the
different dimension. That being said I 
have only looked at it in the box so
might be a more or less work. Also I think 
one other place that makes custom
radiators in Arizona (Davis???) has one for 
the Tiger but can't rember the
name, it was like $600+ as I recall and weeks to 
fab.  I have run
various Fluidyne radiators in my other car and they are well 
made product and
if you have the 2 pass model it's a good one but not sure if 
other styles
were made.


----- Original Message ----
From: Alexander Washick
<alw6464 at gmail.com>
To: Brent Edinger <banana111 at msn.com>
"tigers at autox.team.net" <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wed, March 6, 2013
1:03:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Aluminum Radiator

Brent  Where did you get
this radiator? I don't even see that they list
one for a Tiger. Was it custom
made? I have a aluminum radiator that is
from Dale's Restorations in Cal.and
it fits perfect and solved all of my
cooling problems and I run a mildly
modified 302 with air conditioning on a
daily basis and I live in Florida.
Many believe that his is same as
Griffin's but that is not the case for many
years. He designed his own they
are made for him. It is a great product and
out performs the Griffin! How
do I know? A few years ago, I called Dale to see
if he had a Griffin and I
didn't want to wait for the Griffin to be made to
order. He took the time
to explain what differences were and it sure proved
right for me as I had
used all the cooling mods listed on Tigers United and
others and was still
having big problems!! If this Fluidyne was made to fit
your car and doesn't
then I would send it back and talk to Dale.  Al

On Mon,
Mar 4, 2013 at 11:33 PM, Brent Edinger <banana111 at msn.com> wrote:

> I just
installed an aluminum Fluidyne radiator and when it came time
> to install the
fan shroud I found the thickness of the new radiator
> won't allow it to be
installed. There is about a half inch gap between
> the fwd edge of the shroud
and the aft edge of the radiator support,
> Any tricks to this? I built a
little splice plate and It's installed but it
> doesn't look good and I can
see air will leak around over the top of the
> radiator.
>          Brent
> tigers at autox.team.net
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