[Tigers] Thinking Ahead...

Jay Laifman jay.laifman at gmail.com
Sun Jul 28 11:05:24 MDT 2013

I might add that the S2000 is routinely raced.  And it has been a top winner
in SCCA Autocross for years.  So, there should be lots of resources out there
for performance mods and racing upgrades.

On Jul 28, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Larry Mayfield wrote:

> Ok, the basic restrictions to engines are:
> 1. Motors are blown, unblown This next genb is UNBLOWN
> 2. Fuels are either Fuel, ie nitometnhane, alcohol,  NOS, gasoline Propane,
electrical... NExt gen motor is GASOLINE. No limitations on octane ratings but
has to be purchased fromt eh event gas sup-plier IF running for a record
> 3. Displacement are F which is 123.00 - 183.99 cid or G which is 93.00 to
122.99 cid.
> 4. Any cam or valve arrangements.
> 5. Any compression ratio
> 6. Car class is Modified Sports. I.e. no t a production car. Car has to
retain stock body panels from cowl to taillights which also have to be run...
> 7. Run any internals for the engine you want. But, as I said custom junk is
> 8. No induction limitations since this is for a modified sports class.
> So, summary is no blower, no turbo, no NOS, gasoline only, any compression
ratio, any number of cams and valves, any crank any rods, just has to fit int
he displacement class (and they check..if within 3% of the upper or lower
limits the have you tear down the motor right there to physically measure the
> So, I had already summarized the rules for everyone.
> let me repeat though. this is not s shouting match foe every body to see
just how wild they can get with exotic motors for me to build.  I already
built two motors and this last one, even with parts help (and my age),  was
expensive as all get out.  Now I am hoping for somebody else to pitch in...
If all the parts had to have been purchased new for this 260 motor, it would
be really expensive, lol.  Thanks to lots of folk, I got real parts help on
this one...
> mayf
> ______________________________
> drmayf
> Worlds Fastest Sunbeam, period.
> 204.913 mph flying mile
> 210.779 mph exit speed
> On 7/28/2013 8:37 AM, Mark Rense wrote:
>> Dr Mayf,
>> How about listing ALL the class restrictions?
>> - max number of cylinders allowed
>> - max number valves per cylinder
>> - cam shaft configuration limitations (OHV, OHC, DOHC, L-head, pocket
>> valve)?
>> - type of fuel allowed (Pump gas, 110 Sunoco, whale oil)?
>> - any other internal component limitations (rod/crank material)?
>> - induction limitations (FI, Carbs, DFI, wetted wick)?
>> Assuming four cylinders, I still vote for the Honda F20C from the earlier
>> S2000 if all its OEM trickery is allowable. Close to 300 hp with cams,
>> injectors and bigger throttle body. More if cubic dollars (bucks to the
>> third) are thrown at the heads. This engine tolerates over 700 hp on
>> turbo/NO2, so you know it is a stout platform. Lots of YouTube idiocy with
>> these engines.
>> You will not get that power level from a normally-aspirated Pinto/Capri
>> engine.
>> Bugz
>> PS As to oils, see who can offer you a sponsorship, most racing synthetics
>> today are superb. When I raced professionally we ran Redline oils and Wix
>> filters. Good stuff.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
>> On Behalf Of Larry Mayfield
>> Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 10:26 AM
>> To: tigers at autox.team.net
>> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Thinking Ahead...
>> Ok, folk. Somehow it seems that the note that the next generation of
>> motor(s) for the salt flats car has to be all motor. That means no
>> blowers, no turbos, no NOS, just motor.  Can be a really high tech
>> sucker, but NO power adders.
>> Now, some have mentioned the power output of the 2.3 liter Pinto
>> derivative motors. I have a friend in Detroit who ran a Merkur with one
>> that he spared no expense to build and tune which put out 750 reliable
>> HP.  Of course that was turbocharged and he ran two intercoolers as
>> well. The first one was the conventional ice water air and the second
>> one he used NOS to cool the already chilled air even more.  It pushed
>> the Merkur to a 225 or so record.
>> I do not want to run power adders for the next gen motors for the
>> sunbeam salt car...
>> mayf
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