[Tigers] Idle stop...my thoughts

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Tue Jul 23 21:12:18 MDT 2013

	Very difficult to heat soak EFI that works a 40 or more psi; even
more difficult on direct injection which is much higher fuel line pressure.

	You make a good point about auto off at a stop and A/C cooling.
Probably has auto A/C controls too but no idea about the workings of these
new systems.

Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of David and Varley Tweddle
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:06 PM
To: Tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] Idle stop...my thoughts

Engine stop vs idling.

I've pondered how this could be better...

on a modern car they are efi and don't heat soak quickly or start hard when
hotthey don't have Lucas electricsthey do have good alternators, new wiring
(all be it light weight),they are not meant to last an overly long
time....not like our near 50 year old Tigers. I have had a recent trip in a
Landrover Freeloader and it was most annoying....the vehicle owner
eventually turned it off!!

In stop go traffic in Perth WA on a 40c day I'm not sure even a modern "auto
turn off at the traffic lights" would keep you cool!

Not a fan!

David...alias Tiger_DFT

tigers at autox.team.net

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