[Tigers] Bonneville...or Bust!

Larry Mayfield drmayf at mayfco.com
Wed Aug 28 14:20:36 MDT 2013

Well, the car is about as good as it is going to get. It starts, runs, 
makes lots of noise, far more than teh turbo motor, and nothign seems to 
be leaking. Maybe a slow leak in the tires, but that's what air 
compressors are for isn't it? maybe a a loose schrader valve... I 
tightened it so I'll check to  see if it leaked more.

We are headed up on the  5th. We are supposed to be able to get on the  
salt that afternoon. Will then go check in and if time go back and do 
some pit set up. Always have to put down a tarp under the car, so we put 
one down that is about half an acre in size... and then put up the 10  x 
20 ft shade canopy.  car will stay in the trailer until the 6th and if 
inspection is going on we will get in line for that. Entry fee is $$$$$ 
bucks now.  Drivers meeting is the 7th at 8 am at registration 
trailer.   Then a drive down the salt to check for smoothness and ruts 
and the runs start.

Any and all Sunbeams are welcome in the pits with us. You may or may not 
have to get a car pass to get into the pit though. We will always have 
someting cold to drink: water, sodas, maybe a beer or two.  Might want 
to bring a chair though. I will have some and a table but seats can 
sometimes be short around my pit.

See you all there!!! Hope we don't disappoint!


Worlds Fastest Sunbeam, period.
204.913 mph flying mile
210.779 mph exit speed

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