[Tigers] Carburator\Vacumn question

Joel Martin jmartiniii at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 9 07:26:22 MDT 2013

I installed SS headers on a 66 MK 1A with 289 HiPo motor, very difficult but
done.  Now my questions are 2 fold.  Where does the carb gets it's vacuum from
- Autolite 4100?  
Appears I will need vacuum for the brake booster, carb and possibly Petronix
distributor, as I cannot find anyone who can get the parts for rebuilding the
dual point FoMoCo distributor (shaft and bushings).  The only vacuum I am
aware is at the rear of the engine, top on the drivers side.  Can this handle
vacuum for all three?
Also, options for auto choke heat tubes with headers, where this came from
exhaust manifold with stock manifolds?
Thanks as always
Joel Martin

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