[Tigers] Chambered exhaust systems?

Theo Smit tsmit at shaw.ca
Sun Apr 7 14:25:11 MDT 2013

True enough, but the LAT73/LAT74 headers and exhaust, that these 
mufflers were part of, were not really intended for stock engines.

My Tiger came to me with a five-bolt 289 with ported and polished heads, 
a Holley 600 and F4B manifold, and a pretty lopey cam. 'Quiet' was not 
really in its repertoire, although sticking with a 2 inch exhaust system 
does help keep the overall noise level down compared with 2 1/4 or 2 1/2 
inch pipe, at the expense of some performance at the high end.


On 4/7/2013 1:58 PM, CoolVT at aol.com wrote:
> I can tell you that in using cheap old glass paks with a stock engine 
> and the same mufflers with a hopped up 302....they are much, much 
> louder with the 302.  I shouldn't think a stock engine would be that 
> difficult to muffle.
> Mark L
> In a message dated 4/7/2013 3:37:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
> tsmit at shaw.ca writes:
>     Mike,
>     Here's a picture of what I think are the Mitchell mufflers - these
>     are
>     what was on my Tiger when I got it.
>     For the rest of you that won't get the picture:
>     The body is 24" long, 3x5" oval, 2" in and out. Contrary to what I
>     remembered, the hangers attach 5" rearward from the front of the
>     muffler
>     body - there is only about 20 inches between where the hangers
>     attach on
>     the chassis and the rear axle tube.
>     I do recall the front of these mufflers pretty much touching the
>     rearward part of the underbody X frame, just behind the little
>     exhaust
>     pipe notch in the X. The sound of these mufflers was pretty
>     aggressive,
>     but it went well with the rest of the system and engine.
>     I would also be concerned with the amount of sound suppression that's
>     possible in a small diameter muffler such as the chambered ones in
>     the
>     link below. It may be that with proper choice of all the internal
>     volumes, they get noise cancellation at most of the frequencies of
>     interest, but it seems to me that the overall result would still be
>     pretty dependent on the rest of the package, i.e. engine
>     displacement,
>     cam, and the diameter of the rest of the exhaust.
>     Theo
>     On 4/7/2013 10:28 AM, MWood24020 at aol.com wrote:
>     > Thanks, Theo. I was looking around the 'net yesterday and saw this:
>     > http://www.classicchambered.com/
>     > Concern is that there would really be minimal muffling. Upside
>     would be
>     > installation, particularly in terms of avoiding the "mufflers
>     hanging low"
>     > issue/look we have with our cars.
>     >
>     > I also had another friend tell me he installed the new tech,
>     small diameter
>     >   glasspacks on his Tiger with very good results.
>     >
>     > I'm not a big fan of Flowmaster mufflers. I've yet to have an
>     install where
>     >   there wasn't some droning, regardless as to whether running an
>     H or X
>     > pipe.  They do sound good under throttle and are made very well,
>     though!
>     [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a
>     name of IMG_1333.JPG]
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