[Tigers] Photo Gallery

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 17:31:33 MST 2012

Dales restorations are very nice, and i am very impressed by what I have
seen. that said the red tiger he did that was featured recently in the
write-up had many small details that were not factory, plating of things
that were not from factory, more things that had been up-finshed over

For reference the best thing we can do is find original un restored cars
and document them while they still exist. I have been fortunate enough to
be helping with such a car recently and there are so many detail things you
find that you dont know about and that the repro parts don't get right or
exclude.. it's really an eye opener!

I am taking pictures and hope to do them as a web album i the future.


Michael King

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