[Tigers] Tiger Jackets For Sale
michaelsavga at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 12:20:38 MST 2012
I have just delivered another round of Detomaso Pantera Jackets to another
dozen or so Pantera owners,
see them here www.michaelspantera.com/jacketoffer.html
If 24 of you Tiger owners step up, I can design a jacket for you as well
and have them to you by Christmas.
Sunbeam across the top, Tiger across the bottom, a Car in the middle in
your choice of color.
Please respond ASAP if interested to this email, simply say count me in,
if enough folks chime in, I'll proceed with artwork, then solicit actually
While I'm still shopping for my own Tiger, I'm reminded of my 2 Spitfires
and 3 TR-6 cars in college,
almost never had the tops up, even in the coldest weather, just wore a nice
jacket and went
fast enough to keep the rain off.
Michael L. Shortt
Savannah, Georgia
michael at michaelshortt.com
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