[Tigers] TAC Sticker?

Cullen McCann cmccann1972 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 19:27:58 MST 2012

I fully expect to ruffle some feathers with this next comment, but I want to
take Curt's comment to the next level. I hope that the readers will take this
with not only grain of salt, but also with a slight sense of humor. It's not
meant to be a jab at the Sunbeam community, on the contrary even though I'm
not a major contributor I hope that everyone will understand that I find humor
in it.

But I am a member of about 5 different automotive clubs and followings. And
the Sunbeam crowd is by far, without question the most scrutinizing and
critical of other peoples cars. At least on this particular list. Most
conversations begins with the assumption that the person is striving for
perfect originality and anything that deviates from that must be a mistake, a
shortcoming, or an attempt to mislead others. Parts missing, ride height to
high or too low, emblems crooked, stickers in the wrong place order of unknown
origin, shade of paint not exactly as it should be for specific code.

It's absolutely possible that the owner of the car has intended for all of
these things to be a certain way and it just isn't in keeping with what the
masses think it should be.

Honestly, it makes me laugh.


Sent from my iPad

On Nov 4, 2012, at 6:59 PM, Curt Bowland <cbowland at msn.com> wrote:

> I am a bit amazed that people have not thought about the possibility that
> person wanted to "advertise" the fact his car had been TAC'd in a bit of a
> more individual or visible way. And yes, the location of the 'real' sticker
> a bit of a PITA to view......at least mine is. This said, why do so many
> their shorts in a knot for what would appear to be the obvious. Yes, he
> have taken a picture of the sticker and put it under his winshield
> wiper............I think the sticker looks a lot better IMHO.
> Curt in Chicago
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