[Tigers] TAC Sticker?

J D Johnson j_d_johnson at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 4 19:25:06 MST 2012

Certainly better looking than what was there before.



At 04:59 PM 11/4/2012, Curt Bowland wrote:
>I am a bit amazed that people have not thought about the possibility that this
>person wanted to "advertise" the fact his car had been TAC'd in a bit of a
>more individual or visible way. And yes, the location of the 'real' sticker is
>a bit of a PITA to view......at least mine is. This said, why do so many have
>their shorts in a knot for what would appear to be the obvious. Yes, he could
>have taken a picture of the sticker and put it under his winshield
>wiper............I think the sticker looks a lot better IMHO.
>Curt in Chicago

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