[Tigers] Tiger at auction in December
Larry Paulick
lpaulick1 at verizon.net
Sun Nov 4 12:52:10 MST 2012
Buck, I now understand that it is TAC'ed. In fact Ronnie Silber let me
know it has my old 289 HiPo engine in it. Yes I know Hipo's are rare,
but I didn't want that kind of performance.
On 11/4/12 11:22 AM, Buck Trippel wrote:
> Larry, you're correct. The list is not current. There's always a lag.
> Additionally, the public data base on the STOA site is in the process
> of being moved to a new location and has not been updated recently as
> much as TAC's secure official site.
> I checked with TAC's Tom Hall & he does have a record of a "red" Tiger
> (VIN 382001370) being TAC'ed and issued TAC Sticker #708.
> bt
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Larry Paulick"
> <lpaulick1 at verizon.net>
> To: <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2012 6:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tiger at auction in December
>> Not listed on http://www.stoa-tigerclub.com/tac/tacno.html, from my
>> quick look, so unless I missed it, or the list is not current, not
>> TACed.
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