[Tigers] Feedback on nisonger instruments

Marc James Small marcsmall at comcast.net
Sun Nov 4 03:42:43 MST 2012

At 11:38 PM 11/3/2012, Owain Lloyd wrote:
>As you may have noticed... - I'm not.
>And, much as I appreciate your support, I
>encourage the rest of you not to be baited
>either.  We've all got better things to do....

You are mouthing gibberish, Owain.  I was not
'baiting' anyone.  I simply stated my own
experience with Nisonger.  If you regard everyone
who has an experience different than yours as
'baiting' you, then you must live in a remarkably paranoid universe.

Again, I stated facts, not opinion.  Your response was simply inappropriate.


msmall at aya.yale.edu
Cha robh b`s fir gun ghr`s fir!

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