[Tigers] Feedback on nisonger instruments

Marc James Small marcsmall at comcast.net
Sat Nov 3 20:19:02 MDT 2012

At 10:10 PM 11/3/2012, Buck Trippel wrote:
 >Perhaps Marc, the reason for Owain's reply is rooted in your demonstrated
 >ability to formulate opinions that completely disregard the facts.
 >pardon me for jumping in,

Thanks, Buck, for your commentary.  I have a long
history with Nisonger, going back to the '60's,
but not one so constant that they would know
me.  All I did in my post was to point out that
Nisonger was the US agency for Smith's
Instruments (not opinion:  fact) and that I had
had good service for them servicomg  VDO
instruments (not opinion:  fact).  So, why Owain
dumped on me, I do not know. I stated two matters
of fact and then he ordered me not to speak any
more.  Wow.  And you stand on his side?  So much for free speech!


msmall at aya.yale.edu
Cha robh b`s fir gun ghr`s fir!

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