[Tigers] Feedback on nisonger instruments

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 15:07:50 MDT 2012

Guess I should have solicited recommendations first.  Pity because they are
obviously very capable.  Its a shame when you pay for a job you could do
better yourself though.  They are not particularly friendly over the phone

On Saturday, November 3, 2012, Peter Laurinaitis wrote:

> i had them rebuild all my tiger gauges, did nice work overall, but did
> leave some plastic blast media or glass scrapings inside a few of the
> instruments
> On Nov 3, 2012, at 2:03 PM, CoolVT at aol.com <javascript:;> wrote:
> > I had them do a speedometer.  It came out extremely accurate, but they
> > left a white spot of something on the inside of the glass.  It was a
> small
> > deal, but not what I expected from a company that pretty much claims
> > perfection.
> > M

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