[Tigers] 'Lift-the-Dot' stud problem

Alexander Washick alw6464 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 22:17:06 MDT 2012

Tom is right!!  I have used these for many years in business and on cars.
If  you have a hole with no threads and no easy access to the back this
your answer. Saved me many of times on the job. It works kind of like a
rivet but with threads in the center. Marson is the most popular make and I
think they use the term Grip-Serts. Sizes 6/32 -3/8 and they come in a kit
and you if  don't do much work, maybe you could borrow the tool.  Al

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 10:47 PM, Tom Hall <modtiger at comcast.net> wrote:

> If you guys haven't used Riv-nuts yet this is the perfect opportunity.  I
> know that it's not OEM "stock", but it fixes the problem.  The studs are
> available in the 8-32 version and with practice and care (not to over
> squeeze the tool) the Riv-nut makes a fool-proof repair that is much
> stronger than the sheetmetal version.  I'd send a pic, but the list would
> strip it.
> On 11/2/2012 1:29 PM, Rollright at aol.com wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   The Lift-the-Dot (now to be referred to as LtD) stud, just behind the
>> door
>> on the U.S. near the soft top hinge, has widened the anchoring sheet-metal
>> to  the point where it won't stay in the bodywork, even with a new stud
>> with
>> fresh  threads.
>>        I'd sure like  to fix this, and I've even  tried Gorilla Glue. GG
>> worked initially with the top's female snap, but the  tonneau did it
>> right in.
>>        So, how do I fix this situation? I've been told  there is almost
>> no way
>> to get a goober of JB Weld or the like to the bottom of  the machine screw
>> threads, as access is nearly impossible.
>>        Tod Brown tells me his has the same problem, so if  he and I have
>> the
>> same issue, I'll bet it is really common.
>>        I thought of putting a LtD with a bolt on the  bottom, but then
>> you get
>> into the access thing again, trying to get the nut on  the bottom of the
>> bolt.
>>   HELP !
>>   Jim  Armstrong
>> Mk 1A
>> 382002083
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> Tom Hall
> ModTiger Engineering LLC
> www.tigerengineering.net
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