[Tigers] certain 'Lift-the-Dot' stud problem

Ross Hulse ross_hulse at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 2 16:54:35 MDT 2012

This fix is relative easy.  Access is gained by removing the upholstery
covering the rear wheel well in the package area behind the seat.  A
triangular opening about 4 inches down from the top of the outside allows
easy access to this LtD.  Use a tinnaman nut under the stud...problem fixed

Ross "Commodore Blues" Hulse

Subject: [Tigers] certain 'Lift-the-Dot' stud problem

The Lift-the-Dot (now to be referred to as LtD) stud, just behind the door
on the U.S. near the soft top hinge, has widened the anchoring sheet-metal
to  the point where it won't stay in the bodywork, even with a new stud with
fresh  threads.
    I'd sure like  to fix this, and I've even  tried Gorilla Glue. GG worked
initially with the top's female snap, but the  tonneau did it right in. 
    So, how do I fix this situation? I've been told  there is almost no way
to get a goober of JB Weld or the like to the bottom of  the machine screw
threads, as access is nearly impossible.
    Tod Brown tells me his has the same problem, so if  he and I have the
same issue, I'll bet it is really common.
    I thought of putting a LtD with a bolt on the  bottom, but then you get
into the access thing again, trying to get the nut on  the bottom of the
Jim  Armstrong
Mk 1A

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