[Tigers] Anti-Seize on Spark Plugs , Shelby Flig, Herb Mosley Award

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 19 01:36:30 MDT 2012

I appreciate ALL post about Beams on any subject BUT surely by now we as a
group can tourque our plugs with or without aintiseize, oil or spit and they
not back out or break when being removed. As dumb as I am I have never had a
problem unless someone else installed the plugs and they over torqued them-
just saying. But Thanks for all the post.
I hope everyone that can will be at the Shelby meet at the Brown County State
grounds nears Inndian Univerisity next month. We need a showing of Tigers
amongest the Cobras and mostly Mustangs as memory serves. Also haveing just
lost a most valuable member, has anyone besides me thought that perhaps that
between the two major clubs that an award should be made/built to be given to
the person who most gives of himself like Herb Mosley did. The HM Award. I
feel  those who have leadership within our clubs should consider the uptaking
of this award. I think we all owe it to Herb as he dam sure gave back to us
enough that we should remember him every year in some way- just my opinion-
speak yours.
Tony Lang  TtT


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