[Tigers] Herb Mosely

Buck Trippel BuckTrippel at Verizon.net
Wed Apr 18 08:30:15 MDT 2012

Yesterday we learned of the passing of Tiger owner Herb Mosely.

Professionally, Herb was a technical writer who donated his skills to our
marque as CAT's Tech Editor.

Decades ago he gathered the most important of these "Tech Tips", bundling them
into CAT's Shop Notes. In it Herb created a repository for storing the
collective knowledge of Tiger owners. Herb revised Shop Notes many times over
the years, the most recent about ten years ago. I still tell new owners they
need to buy two books - the Shop Manual and Shop Notes.

But even without these contributions Herb will still be missed. He was such a
nice, generous and gentle person.

Below is an excerpt from an email I received last night from Chuck Daly. He
expresses my feelings better than I can.

Buck Trippel

Old Friends,

It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you of Herb Mosley's passing this
past April 4th.

I received an email from his wife, Henrietta, informing me that Herb is gone.

It was likely congestive heart failure as Herb had been heavily involved in
various medical treatments recently.

I don't have to tell any of you guys how impressively Herb handled and yes
"conducted" CAT's shop notes for decades.

Year in and year out, Herb likely did more for the CAT club then anyone else
and he did it with style and grace.

A cool dude with a real love of our Marque....

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