[Tigers] Fuel Pump Pressures

Stu Brennan stubrennan at comcast.net
Thu Apr 12 20:02:28 MDT 2012

I was thinking of replacing the ancient Facet fuel pump Ibve had longer than
my Tiger (and thatbs a  long timeb&).  This Facet had no part number on it,
or spec.  It doesnbt flood the carb, and doesnbt fall behind when driving.
Thatbs all I know.

The spec for a stock fuel pump for my Tiger is 15 GPH, 48 inch head max.  What
does that mean, pressure wise?  I googled for a conversion method and found an
equation.  Depending on the density of the fluid you are basing the pressure
on, this calculated to about 1.2PSI for gas, or 1.7PSI for water.

So our pumps deliver 15 GPH at somewhere between 1 and 2 PSI?  Is this

Looking through the catalogs, I found a variety of Facets at Pegasus.  All
kinds of pressures and delivery volumes.

The one closest seems to be Facet 40104:  15 GPH, 1 PSI typical ,  max 28 GPH,
max pressure 2.5 b 4.5 PSI

This is for street use on a stock 2 barrel 260.  I donbt want to go to
higher pressures and have to add a regulator before the carb.

Does any of this make sense?  How high a pressure can a stock carb stand
without problems?


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