[Tigers] Stock vs other classes
Smit, Theo
Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Tue Apr 10 08:06:13 MDT 2012
Hi Rande,
My comment was more directed at Mike's question about whether or not modified
Tigers are common and/or how they're viewed in the community. As such, I don't
fret about doing things that I can easily put back to stock; and I also don't
worry too much about things that affect parts of my Tiger where a previous
owner, or 45 years of intermittent hard use, has left their mark. One of the
things I enjoy about the Tiger community is that there is a wide range of
approaches taken by the owners, and they're generally remarkably tolerant of
the other viewpoints. So at any given Sunbeam event, you're as likely to see a
dead-stock example as a fire-breather, and it's recognized that each one takes
a great deal of dedication to create and maintain.
My Tiger is absolutely in the modified class for any TU or SUNI, and that's
where it belongs, even though some of the performance aspects of my car are
not at the level required to compete (autocross wise) with the top dogs.
Externally, the 16" wheels put it there; under the hood, the use of a 5.0,
fuel injection, the 5 speed, and the front suspension modifications put it
I think that period-correct appearance mods, especially if they're using parts
originally available through the Rootes dealers (or very similar to those
parts) should not affect stock classification. Of course, if you have an
aftermarket steering wheel on your Tiger and you're competing in 'stock', then
that may count against you when you're judged against a perfect
showroom-condition restoration.
The Tigers United and SUNI 'personalized' class rules will capture pretty much
any Tiger that has performance changes from stock other than exact LAT or
LAT-alike items, so long as you stick with stock-ish suspension, 15" wheels or
less, and a 289. I'd be inclined to throw 302's in there as well, just because
it's getting tougher to build a 289 unless you have the rotating assembly; but
any stroker engine should be in Modified.
Having just three classes for such a competition might put some people at a
disadvantage, because they have one or two items on their car that pushes the
car up a class; but on the other hand, the mindsets associated with 'stock',
'personalized', and 'modified' are easy to grasp and the Sunbeam marque events
are not primarily about the speed/performance competitions anyway...
> Hi,
> I think when I entered(or began) the fray into what is considered
> stock, as
> opposed to the personalized or modified classes, I was thinking about
> the classifications
> for concours events at Tiger Uniteds and SUNIs, where the car is judged
> not
> on whether it can be returned to stock, but is it presented in stock
> condition
> at that time.
> If as a judge I knew your car, and you were one of my Tiger friends(as
> Theo
> is), at the least I might ask if you wanted to enter another class in
> order
> to be competitive, because as presented, you may not fare well against
> the cars
> that are 'dead stock', and I don't remember if there might even be a
> compulsory
> aspect to this in some clubs.
> Another issue is that when determining whether a car stays in stock or
> must
> move to the next class, personalized, the rules of the club might
> stipulate
> how many changes to original equipment you can have and still remain in
> stock.
> The gentleman with just the addition of fog/driving lights could stay
> in stock,
> while, for example, Theo's car might have too many changes to remain
> there.
> Just as an aside, I looked at the Rootes accessory catalogues for the
> Series
> IV and Series V Alpines, which show fog and driving lights available,
> and the
> photos make it seem like they could mount to the top of the lower
> valance behind
> the bumper.
> Rande
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