[Tigers] [Alpines] voltage regulator

Tom Hall modtiger at comcast.net
Fri Apr 6 19:22:41 MDT 2012

On 4/6/2012 2:24 PM,  Ron Fraser wrote:
> All
> 	Sunbeam Specialties lists them and I'm sure the other Sunbeam
> dealers do too.  I believe the instrument voltage regulator is a common part
> or the same part for all British cars.   Somewhere I saw an upgraded
> electronic voltage regulator; possible Moss Motors.
Theo Smit on the list (Theo Smit <theo.smit at dynastream.com>) 
manufactures, and we both distribute a solid state 10 instrument 
regulator that replaces the OEM vibrating regulator.  Cost is about $45 
at this time.  We added a new feature in an LED that lights up when the 
input system voltage drops below about 12.5 volts.  Since many people 
are adding one wire alternators, this makes the wiring less 
complicated.  The LED simply pokes into the Red bezel on the dash board, 
and the one wire alternator really is.

Tom Hall, modtiger at comcast.net
ModTiger Engineering LLC

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