[Tigers] Off topic garage floor prep and coating

Tiger Man Tigerman67 at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 2 14:01:05 MDT 2012

Sorry for the off topic post, but I know this group probably has some
experience in garage floor coatings.

I recently bought a house and I know have a nice 24x35 "barn" plus my regular
garage.  I finally get to store both the tiger and mustang at home.  The age
of the house and barn are from the mid 80's.

The 'barn' floor appears to have been previously coated with something, I am
going to guess some sort of gray paint.  In some areas of the barn, especially
the back half of the garage (a separate 'stone'), it looks perfect and seem
very durable. In others it is mostly gone and just walking on it causes it to
flake off.  The concrete under the paint where it flakes off recently looks
black and kind of rough.  I live in Colorado where it is very dry and the barn
is at the top of the hill, but it makes me wonder if It is a moisture problem
coming up through the slab, or just poor prep of the concrete when they coated
it the first time.

Since in some areas it looks very durable yet, I am wondering how to prep it
if I want to try recoating it myself.  Do they rent some sort of
grinder/polisher that will be able to get that old coating up, and if so is
that a generic tool I can find for rent at home depot or do I need to go
looking in specialty areas?  Would just the acid etch stuff get this stuff off
the slab?

Once I figure out prep, then I will be looking at putting on a coating.  To be
frank, my cars and motorcycles tend to leak a bit of oil, so I want a good
surface that will clean up easily and not leave a bunch of nasty stains.  I
thought I had read previously from people on this board that the 2 part epoxy
coatings hold up fairly well.  I have seen those at my local home depot/lowes,
but they also tend to be sized for like a 10x20 single car garage.  With the
barn and later regular garage, I could end up buying a lot of kits to finish
that all up.  I also checked out east wood, but I must have used the wrong
search term since I was getting hits on regular epoxy primer, but not epoxy
floor coatings.

Since I just moved in, most things are still in boxes, so I am thinking it
would probably be smart to tackle this while most things are in boxes, and
maybe split the barn job into back half and front half so everything doesn't
have to sit outside while I wait for things to dry.

So looking for any either generic or specific advice on prepping that surface
or any advice on the coating side.

I'm assuming this isn't too bad a DIY job, or do some of the local installers
actually have fairly good value to do a job like this.


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