[Tigers] Stalling at idle

James Lindner jliny5 at cox.net
Sat May 14 20:25:21 MDT 2011

Thanks for tip. I do and I will double check.

To all...thanks for input on this issue. I did a little tweaking of Carb today
(raised float in one bowl which was low) and also raised idle just a bit (back
to where it was last fall.) Although idle seems a bit fast (950-1000) the
engine does seem to run better and did not stall at all...even after running
at idle for 40 minutes. Will test vacuum and dial in idle mixture tomorrow.

Only issue is that it is still heating up quite a bit. When I shut it down
about a pint of coolant ran out of the hose from the expansion tank. Laser
thermometer was reading 222 @ the radiator...a bit less elsewhere.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: FHSLOTH13 at aol.com
  To: cars at wt-inc.com ; CoolVT at aol.com ; jliny5 at cox.net ;
tigers at autox.team.net
  Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 9:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [Tigers] Stalling at idle

  Do you have a ballast resistor? My Tiger did the same thing a few years ago
and I found one of the wires to the resistor was disconnected. Plugged it back
in and everything has been fine since.

  Fred Baum

  In a message dated 5/12/2011 5:00:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
cars at wt-inc.com writes:
    Agreed with below but would add any vacuum leak, check your timing.  Bad
    timing can cause poor idle and heat.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net
[mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
    On Behalf Of CoolVT at aol.com
    Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 12:41 PM
    To: jliny5 at cox.net; tigers at autox.team.net
    Subject: Re: [Tigers] Stalling at idle

    A quick thing to check that happened to me was a leak  in the PVC line.
    it's sucking air it won't close the pvc valve at idle  as it should and
    car will run too lean and stall.  Or if the pvc valve  is gummed up and
    stuck it might display the same symptoms.  When  you shake the valve you
    be able to hear the ball roll around  inside.

    Oh, and since you lowered the idle last year, make  sure the idle screw
    actually touching and holding the throttle open a  smidgen.

    At 214 degrees it's hard to believe it's heat related,  but I'm sure other
    will follow with more items to check.

    In a message dated 5/12/2011 3:16:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
    jliny5 at cox.net writes:

    Hello  All,

    Yesterday after a short 20 minute drive I noticed some coolant on  the
    floor from the expansion tank so I checked the temp with a laser
    It measured 214 on the manifold near the temp sender and  thermostat. I
    some tweaking (a thanks to Tom Parker) which included  tightening all
    clamps and tightening the fan belt. For background, my  260 has the the
    Induction system and the LAT 20 perfromance cam. I  have a stock radiator,
    hole covers and a 6-blade fan.

    Today, to  check on my tweaks I took it for a longer ride, almost one
    included highway and traffic, in fact I got caught at a RR crossing for
    minutes. When I got home I noticed the engine was running a bit rough at
    RPMs. I let it idle in the garage but it stalled after about a  minute. I
    started it up again (a couple of tries--usually turns over first  time). I
    it idle but again it stalled. Did it again, this time I  increased RPMs to
    if it was getting fuel...revved up fine. Brought it  back down to idle and
    stalled again after a bit.

    I checked the  temp readings again with laser thermometer: 214 at Temp
    208 @  thermostat, 214 @ radiator, and 198 @ expansion tank. No fluid on
    from expansion tank.

    Sorry for the long-winded  explanation...here is my question.

    Is this heat related or do you think  it is something with the carburator.
    lowerd the idle last fall because I  thought it was idling too fast...now
    operating for a while it  stalls.

    OBTW...it was a beautiful drive and the car ran  fine.


    Jim  Lindner
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