[Tigers] my "stock" wheels

rande rande at thecia.net
Fri May 13 04:33:55 MDT 2011

This is the menagerie of Rootes wheels that I have:

four /59 wheels that came mounted on my #48 Tiger IA. They're identified by
the smaller brake vent holes, and according to the catalogue, used on the Alpine
Series I and part way through production of the Series II.

One /65 white wheel
One /64 with an additional part number 1214930(the number listed as the latest
Alpine Series III to V and all Tiger applications(I and II).

One 63 wheel with no part number on wheel
One 66 wheel with no part number on wheel

I don't know how I learned this, but supposedly the 1214930 superceded the 1210258
used on some Alpine III and IV's because the engineering department thought
the holes for the lugs for the older wheel were too weak, and the newer number
is reinforced around the holes. It could also be that Rootes felt no need to
continue making one wheel for the Alpine III and some II's when they could use
the Tiger wheel for both Tigers and later Alpines.

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